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Ingersoll Rand R Series - Variable Speed 24.33 CFM @ 145 PSI - Floor Mount (7.5 HP)
Ingersoll Rand R Series - Variable Speed 24.33 CFM @ 145 PSI - Floor Mount (7.5 HP)
Ingersoll Rand R Series - Variable Speed 24.33 CFM @ 145 PSI - Floor Mount (7.5 HP)

Ingersoll Rand R Series - Variable Speed 24.33 CFM @ 145 PSI - Floor Mount (7.5 HP)

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Two Air Dryer types to choose from:

Air Cooled Aftercooler (Standard)
Refrigerated Air Dryer (Total Air System)

See description below for more info.

The VSD maintains close controlled system pressure, automatically adjusting its output to achieve the highest efficiency for your operation. What this means for the customer is avoiding wasting energy caused by excessive pressure band or unloaded running, saving money. Additionally, the variable speed units offer the next-gen leak-free airends featuring significantly improved turndown performance.

Standard (Air Cooled Aftercooler) Variable Speed is offering:
• TEFC, Premium Efficiency Motor
• Low sound enclosure (68 – 72 dBA)
• Air Cooled Aftercooler
• “Spin-On/Spin-Off” oil filter and separator cartridge
• Xe-70M Controller featuring sequencing of up to 4 compressors, built in event log, Xi system integration, and motor temperature monitoring
• Air-Cooled design with 104F ambient continuous-duty rating
• Standard Package Pre-Filters
• Danfoss VSD drive
• 8000 Hour / 2 year coolant change interval
• 1-Year package warranty – entire package

The R-Series TOTAL AIR SYSTEM package includes the same great features and scope of supply as the standard VSD offering. It also includes the following valuable additions:
• Constant pressure with dry, clean air delivered downstream - helps increase productivity and maximize energy savings
• R-Series TAS units feature two running options depending on the customer's preference. They have the ability to select between "Cycling Mode" and "Constant Run Mode"
• Dual filters – general purpose and coalescing filter mounted and piped
• “Single Point” condensate drain system – compressor, dryer, and filter all piped to 1 common electric drain valve
• Smart, integrated controls – compressor and dryer auto start and stop together as a common unit


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145145 PSI24.33 CFM7.5HPAir Cooled Aftercooleraircompressorall other productsbf2023Floor MountLeadTime2weekslowmarginnogooglenot canadapmax ad air compressorspmax ad compressed air dryerROAS 4Rotary ScrewSingle Phasespo-defaultspo-disabledTanklessThree PhaseTwo Stage