Sandblasting for Surface Preparation – How to Guide
Sandblasting is ideal for preparing a variety of surfaces in a fast and efficient manner from steel to log cabins. Will provide a brief overview of how to determine the proper settings and setup for your sandblast equipment to ensure you get the desired result from your sandblasting. Additionally, you will learn how to estimate the length of time that will be needed to complete a particular blast project.
Step 1 – Confirm the blast profile needed
The first step when considering sandblasting for surface preparation is to determine the depth of blast profile you will need. This will be provided either by the customer you are providing blast work for or within the technical data sheet of the coating you are using (see below for technical data sheet showing blast profile needed).
Step 2 – Evaluate Blast Media that will be sufficient to provide desired blast Profile
When it comes to achieving the desired blast profile the 3 variables you can adjust are the blast media being used, the pressure you blast at, and the length of time you blast. Refer to the Sandblast Media Chart to get a baseline idea of which blast media will allow you to achieve the profile you need also refer to sandblast media selection for additional tips. You can also speak with an abrasive blast media supplier for suggestions on blast media that will be fast and efficient for your preparation needs.
Step 3 – Find an area to of surface to be blasted to test blast pressure and blast time settings
Once you have a blast media selected the next step to ensure good results blasting is to test blasting the surface you intend to work on for your project. You will start with blast pressure low and gradually increase until you start to see the surface being profiled. Blast and see if the profile looks about right based on visual appearance. If you are close to the desired result verify the profile with a surface profile gauge. Take note of the time and pressure used with the blast pot so you can use this information to estimate the time the project will take (always consider additional time requirements like refilling the blast pot, tarping, and more). If you want to have a good baseline of the pressure settings to use and similar details you can use resources like the painting contractors cost and estimating guide for an estimate of the blasting costs and additional costs. While reference guides can help, ultimately doing a trial test is the best way to determine the blast media and pressure settings as well as the time you will need to blast clean the surface.
Step 4 – Verify any Special requirements for Your Sandblast Job
Once you have determined the specifics of how you will blast you will also want to verify a few additional pertinent details. You will want to verify what is contained in what you are blasting off, for example, if it is a lead based paint there will be a variety of safety requirements and procedures you will have to follow. Other things that you blast off a surface may have specific requirements as well. Which is why you want to verify what is contained in what your blasting off the surface and prepare to coordinate with the proper safety organizations like OSHA and the EPA to ensure you blast in a safe and proper manner.