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A Complete Sandblast Nozzle Buying Guide

A sandblast nozzle is one of the most frequent items on your blast pot to wear out. Additionally, the blast nozzle has a lot to do with how fast you are able to blast. By properly selecting a sandblast nozzle based on your given application, you can help keep your costs down and your production level high. In this guide will cover everything you should consider when thinking about a blast nozzle to ensure you select one that will perform best and keep costs to a minimum.

Factor 1 -The Lining of the Blast Nozzle and media you are using

Different types of blast media have different degree of hardness. Harder blast media (steel grit, aluminum oxide) is more aggressive on nozzles and can wear nozzles out rapidly. If you are using a blast nozzle and noticed that you don’t get a lot of life out of it, typically you will want to consider choosing a blast media nozzle made of a harder metal. While the initial cost of the nozzle may be slightly higher, the longer life of the nozzle will be worth the additional cost.

Most blast nozzles come with a recommended life span that you can potentially use the nozzle before you have to consider replacing it. Ultimately there will be a lot of factors that impact the life blast nozzle is useful for, and therefore can often be best to test different types of blast nozzles to find out which one truly provides longest life for your particular media and application. Common hours of use recommendations for blast nozzle linings are as follows:

Tungsten Carbide Lined Blast Nozzle – 300 hours commonly used for coal slag and glass is least expensive of nozzles

Silicon carbide blast nozzle – 300 Hours of Use Lighter than a tungsten carbide nozzle for operator comfort

Boron Carbide Lined blast nozzle – 1000 Hours – Used for aluminum oxide mostly

Factor 2- Blast Nozzle Size

One of the biggest determinants of how fast you will be able to blast is the size of the blast nozzle. The larger the opening of the nozzle, the more media that will be released at a given time. The benefit to a larger nozzle is higher production, but you have to make sure that you have an appropriate amount of compressed air to feed the blast nozzle or it will end up with an inconsistent blast stream which can slow down production. You can review the amount of compressed air that is needed for a given nozzle size by looking at this chart here. For maximum production select a blast nozzle that is as large as your compressor can support, it is important to remember that your blast nozzle will wear and so whatever nozzle you select will typically need an additional 30% of air to accommodate nozzle wear. To get idea of blast nozzle size and potential blast speed you can review this guide on sandblast speed.

Factor 3 -Short versus Long last nozzles

Sandblast nozzles typically come in two designs.  One will be a short style nozzle and the other a long nozzle. Long nozzles allow for a greater distance for the blast media to be accelerated, which will help to achieve higher media velocity (especially if using a venturi style nozzle). This results in higher blast media force which can help with production depending on what your blasting. However, long blast media nozzles, are typically not as easy to use when you need to be able to move the nozzle into tight areas around an object with minimal clearance. Short media nozzles will produce less force but will have a wider blast pattern, which with a less aggressive profile needed you may potentially benefit from using a short nozzle or when blasting in areas with the need for additional maneuverability.

Factor 4-Venturi Design or Straight Design Blast Nozzles

Blast nozzles are available in Venturi or straight design. Venturi blast nozzles go from a wide to a small opening at the nozzle tip. The reduction in nozzle size cause media to accelerate faster. The increased media speed results in higher force and faster cleaning by up to 40%.and a reduction in media use  A straight bore blast nozzle is good for finer control of how your blasting but will yield less production than a venturi nozzle it is used mostly for touch up, blast cabinets, or when blast control is critical.

Factor 5-The blast nozzles casing material

In addition to the nozzles material itself, there will be a material that the surrounding portion of the nozzle that the operator holds on is made of. Different types of surrounding material will have different benefits.  Common casing material options include rubber or aluminum (metal)  Rubber better protects the liner in the case of the nozzle being dropped.  Metal liners are less forgiving to drops and accidents but are preferred by some operators.

Factor 6 – The Thread Type

Blast nozzles will typically come in fine or coarse thread. Coarse thread is better at keeping media from getting in the nozzle holder and causing problems.


By considering your blasting goal, the media you are using, where your blasting, and your price option you can better decide the right type of blast nozzle for you.

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