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Drying Racks for Cabinet Painting – Resource Guide

A good drying rack can make cabinet painting significantly easier and help you improve your cabinet painting skills. There are variety of options from making your own cabinet drying racks to purchasing a pre manufactured drying rack. This guide will provide an overview of options for cabinet drying racks.

Pre manufactured Cabinet Drying Racks for Painting

There are a variety of pre manufactured drying racks you can choose from. Paintline offers pre manufactured drying racks that can be set on a table top or on the floor. The table top version can hold up to 20 cabinet doors while the floor standing models hold up to 50 cabinet doors.  Prices currently range from $125 to $375 dollars.

Paintline Cabinet Storage Racks

Fast Rack also offers racks for cabinet painting and their systems offer a few unique options. For example, they have painting racks that you can paint both sides of the product on the rack making for fast and efficient painting, the product can then be transferred to a rack for drying purposes. They offer systems that focus on painting and others that focus on drying. The painting systems allow for rapid and easy flipping over of a product which makes painting two sides of cabinets and doors fast and efficient. Additionally, they have racks for large products like doors which is a unique product they offer and have part devices to hold the doors which also allow you to flip them fast and efficiently to spray both sides.

Fast Rack Equipment Equipment Overview

Do it yourself Dryings Racks for Cabinet Painting

While pre manufactured drying racks are convenient, they may cost more than you want to spend. If building your own drying rack is a preferred route there are a variety of plans available online. The Rogue engineerprovides plans here and even has a youtube video to show how to do it. There are also plans available here as well. Drying Racks you make are not composed of steel but wood so they may not have the same durability but given their low cost they can be a great option for a cabinet door drying rack.

Homemade Cabinet Drying Rack

Ultimately cabinet drying racks can make your cabinet painting projects faster and easier. Whether you go with a premade cabinet painting storage rack or make your own will depend on your budget and what makes sense for your needs, by reviewing the options we have provided you can decide which is best for you.

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