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HVLP Turbine Vs Compressor HVLP Spray Gun

What is a Turbine HVLP Spray Gun and What is a Compressor HVLP Spray Gun?

What are the Pros and Cons of a Turbine HVLP Spray Gun


  • Portability – A turbine HVLP Spray gun is self contained and can be used anywhere an electric outlet is available. This makes the turbine unit ideal for on site painting work.
  • Affordable – A Complete Turbine HVLP Outfit will cost around $1000 dollars, compared to a HVLP Spray gun and Compressor which can cost approximately $2500.00 for the outfit.


What are the Pros and Cons of a Compressor and HVLP Spray Gun?


  • Can handle multiple painters if your compressor is big enough
  • Allows for use of conventional and other spray gun technologies
  • Long life under frequent use


  • Initial cost of the compressor is high
  • Not portable

Which is Right For You?

  •  If you need portability for field work that would make sense to use an HVLP Spray gun over an airless or air assist airless outfit because you will be spraying smaller targets and smaller volumes of coating then a turbine unit is a great idea
  • If you will be painting in a stationary shop, want to have diversity with the spray gun technology you will use, or want to be able to support more than a single painter then a HVLP Spray Gun and Compressor is ideal.

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