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Red Line EZ 50 Powder Coating Gun Demo and Review (Includes Video)

The Redline EZ 50 powder coating gun offers decent powder application control at a great price. If your getting started powder coating on a more frequent basis, looking to upgrade from a bargain basement powder coating gun, or looking for a great powder coating gun for smaller product runs the Redline EZ 50 may be perfect. Will review the features of the EZ 50, show it in action, and cover the differences of the Redline EZ 50 compared to the Redline EZ 100 and why you may want to consider the EZ 100 or a higher end powder unit like a Wagner Sprint unit over the Redline EZ 50 unit.

What you Get with the Redline EZ 50 Gun Package

The EZ 50 gun comes with 1 cup, 3 different powder coating tips for a variety of product surface needs, a power adapter, a few replacement o rings for common wear areas, and the Redline EZ 50 powder gun.

What the Redline EZ 50 powder coating gun offers & What is the Difference between the EZ 50 & EZ 100

The Redline unit offers the ability to adjust powder to air mix and kv’s (kilovolts).  The higher a powder coating units KV’s that it delivers the better wrap the powder gun will provide when coating a product. This is the primary benefit of the Redline EZ100 over the EZ50 as the 100 can provide up to 100 KV’s which is double the EZ 50’s 50 KV max output. The higher KV EZ 100 will allow more wrap in certain situations which can help cut down on powder waste. The EZ 50 is designed as a suction cup making color changes very fast and effective. You can also buy extra cups for a few dollars that will allow for easy change outs of colors rapidly. The gun has a good ability to adjust how much powder is mixed into the air and has a pretty good ability to adjust Kilovolts as well.

Compared to a top industrial unit like a Wagner box feed it doesn’t offer independent control of microamps (which act opposite of KV’s and can be adjusted to overcome issues with far a day areas). It also doesn’t feature a full featured controller like the Wagner unit that offers controls of powder to air mix/ pre programmed recipes/ independent kv and micro amp control, and the ability to automatically adjust KV and microamp to reduce any shorts from occurring.  That being said it did not short out during our demonstration and for the $374.99 it works really well.

The differences with the EZ 100 include that it is a top feed vs bottom feed style gun, offers 100 KV rather than 50 for better wrap, and does come with two powder tips.  However the EZ 100 also costs $599 making it a bit more of an investment.

Best Uses for the Redline EZ 50 powder coating gun

The best uses for the unit would include light job shop work, starting out as a job shop, touch up work at low to mid volume, and a great entry level industrial powder coating gun. Ultimately the unit works great and can deliver repeatable powder coating effectively making it a good option for the price.

Limitations for the Redline EZ 50 Gun

Some of the limitations for the Redline EZ 50 are that they can be limited in being able to be repaired.

Given we had a few customers ask us about the Redline EZ 50 powder gun and how well it worked we thought a brief review of what it offers could help. If you have any further questions on the Redline EZ 50 you can contact us.

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