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5 Gallon Bucket (144/Pack)

5 Gallon Bucket (144/Pack)

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The MARSHALLTOWN 5 gallon bucket is more than the average bucket. This bucket holds 5.28 gallons allowing you to mix a complete 5 gallons of product without spillage. This 5 gallon bucket is made of durable 90 mil plastic, which prevents the bucket from becoming deformed and eventually breaking when transferring heavy materials. There are two lid options available (sold separately) for your needs. Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Made of durable 90 mil plastic
  • Semi-transparent to easily see the level of material inside of the bucket
  • Graduated measuring marks in gallons, liters and quarts
  • 5.28 gallon capacity for ease of mixing and pouring with less spillage
  • Reinforcing rings at top of bucket help keep bucket from deforming and breaking during mixing, pouring or while holding and transporting heavy materials
  • Metal handle with plastic grip
  • Snap-on or sealable pour spout lid sold separately
  • 5GP is a sealable lid with gasket that keeps liquids from drying out and from spilling during transport and pouring
  • 5GL is intended for use in situations where lid will be removed and replaced frequently
  • 5GB bulk pack available - Quantity 144 buckets


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