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Airlessco MP455 3300 PSI @ 0.48 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - Hi-Boy
Airlessco MP455 3300 PSI @ 0.48 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - Hi-Boy
Airlessco MP455 3300 PSI @ 0.48 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - Hi-Boy

Airlessco MP455 3300 PSI @ 0.48 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - Hi-Boy

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MP Series sprayers feature tough, compact, well-balanced frames, protecting the pump and making it easy to transport. The pump is the core of any airless sprayer, and these are built with Airlessco's new Pro-Duty Quick Repair Pump with externally adjustable packings that keeps you spraying. With its fan-cooled DC motor, you get reliable performance every day, backed by our 2-Year Advantage Protection warranty with one-time picton and packing allowance plus lifetime coverage for the pump body, gearbox, and electric motor. The MP455 is available in stand and hiboy models.
APPLICATIONS: Medium to large residential projects
SPRAY: Water and oil-based coatings, 100% acrylics, stains, sealers, varnishes, and lacquers
USAGE: Up to 1,500 gallons per year

  • Industrial quality high torque DC motor
  • Pro-Duty pump with chrome piston rod and lifetime pump body
  • Exclusive externally adjustable packings
  • Reliable pressure control for smooth spraying
1/4 in x 50 ft (6.4 mm x 15 m) hose, 4-finger trigger ProLight 500 gun, 2-finger trigger conversion kit and 517 Rev-Tip


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.021.48 GPM1 Gun1000-2000300 ft.3300 PSI5/8HP50 ft. Hoseall other productsaodd discountbf2023BOnoETAcanadaElectricgracolowmarginmap priced itemnot canadaOil BasedpaintsprayerROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledStandWater Based