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Annovi Reverberi - RK1320HN 3.43/3000PSI/1450RPM Pump
Annovi Reverberi - RK1320HN 3.43/3000PSI/1450RPM Pump

Annovi Reverberi - RK1320HN 3.43/3000PSI/1450RPM Pump

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Annovi Reverberi RK 13.20 HN

Technical Data

Category Industrial Cleaning
Pump RK 13.20 H N
Shaft 24mm Solid Shaft
RPM 1450
AR Code 20635
Capacity (lpm)        13
Capacity (gpm) 3.43
Pressure (bar) 200
Pressure (psi) 3000
Power (hp) 7.5
Power (kw) 5.5


Annovi Reverberi 3-piston alternating volumetric pumps for use of washing groups and industrial plants.
Pump body and covers in die-cast aluminum alloy.
Rear cover with oil drain and oil level.
Plug with dipstick for oil on the pump body.
Movement of the pistons realized through the system of the connecting rod – crank. Steel shaft pump high-printed resistance.
Oversized Main bearings.
Connecting rods bronze.
All ceramic Pistons.
Head nickel-plated brass pump with stainless steel valve caps.
Dual gasket sealing system.
Valve caps both suction and discharge tubes for a better maintenance.


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