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Apollo AMECO2 ECO-2 Mighty Mist®

Apollo AMECO2 ECO-2 Mighty Mist®

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The QT Quiet technology of the Apollo Eco-2 Mighty Mist® ensures quiet operation during use making it perfect for salons and other brick-and-mortar locations. It comes with a pre-set T5020 applicator and 8 oz. solution cup for precise application. The package also includes an extra-long, 14 ft lightweight hose with quick connect technology, providing flexibility and added convenience. Additionally, it is backed by a 2-year turbine warranty and a 1-year applicator warranty provided by the manufacturer.

This purchase includes a Eco-2 Mighty Mist turbine, T5020 Applicator, 8-ounce Solution Cup, and 14 ft. hose



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