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BINKS 41-818831 1/2" Acetal Diaphragm Pump (Short Stroke)

BINKS 41-818831 1/2" Acetal Diaphragm Pump (Short Stroke)

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This membrane diaphragm pump uses reciprocating Teflon diaphragms to convey the fluid. Teflon (or PTFE) is the most suitable material to withstand even very abrasive materials. The body of the pump (incl. fluid cap and manifold) are made of groundable acetal, therefore absolute non-corrosive.


  • Fluid Cap/Manifold Material: Groundable Acetal
  • Seat & Ball Material: Stainless Steel
  • Diaphragm: Teflon

Applications: Abrasive fluids and coatings, and wide range of paints, dyes, stains, glazes and lacquers. 

Fluid Inlet/Outlet: 1/2″ 1/2″ NPT (F)
Flow Rate (max.): 7 GPM
Ratio: 1:1
Fluid Pressure (max.): 100 PSI
Air Pressure Operating Range: 14-100 PSI
 Air inlet:  1/4″ NPT (F)


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1000-2000bf2023canadacarlisle-fluid-technologiescatchallshipdiaphragmpumppmax ad diaphragm pumpsROAS 3