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Bullard PAPR Systems w/ Single Bib 20TJT Quick-Attach T-Series Hood & Decontamination Belt

Bullard PAPR Systems w/ Single Bib 20TJT Quick-Attach T-Series Hood & Decontamination Belt

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PAPR System with Single Bib Tychem QC Hood
  • Assembly includes blower (EVAHL1), belt (EVABELT1), battery (EVAHLBAT1), charger (EVAHLSMC), air flow indicator (PA1AF), breathing tube (PAHBT), and head top with suspension (20RT) (filter sold separately).

EVAHL Series Powered Air-Purifying Respirator

EVAHL Systems
A complete EVAHL Series Respirator consists of the following four components:
(1) Hood or Mask
(2) Breathing Tube
(3) EVAHL Blower
(4) Purifying Filter Cartridge

Approval No.
21C-0922 - Hoods with HE Filter
23C-2765 - Hoods with OVAGHE Filter
23C-3097 - Hoods with Combination Filter

All of these components must be present and properly assembled to constitute a NIOSH-approved respirator.


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