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Devilbiss DAD 500 3 Stage Air Filtration System

Devilbiss DAD 500 3 Stage Air Filtration System

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The Devilbiss DAD 500 is a 3 stage filter ideally suited for removal of all moisture from your compressed air.

The Devilbiss Dad 500 3 Stage Air Filtration System is used for the utmost cleanliest of air. The first stage consists of a seperator that removes particulates to 5 microns. The second stage of the air filtration system is a coalescent filter that removes particulate down to .01 microns and the final stage brings the air to a -40F dew point removing all traces of moisture. It is well suited for low to medium production and comes with a desiccant change filter as well as a mounting bracket. It also includes automatic drains on the first two stages eliminating the need to manually drain the system.


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