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Dynafor Wireless Hand Held Colour-LED Display

Dynafor Wireless Hand Held Colour-LED Display

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The Dynafor HHD Hand Held Display is a complete and versatile portable wireless display.It can be connected to our Tractel Dynafor Pro, Dynafor Expert and Dynafor Transmitter WL. Up to 4 units can be simultaneously connected. Equipped with a colour-LED display, the Dynafor HHD can reach a wireless range of 1300 ft. 400m. The Dynafor HHD offers multiple functionalities, suitable to any application.FUNCTIONALITIES: Single and multi-sensors reading with sum function, Multiple display units daN, kg, t, Ton, lbs, kN, Tare function, Peak hold mode function, Ergonomic interface, Settable backlight, Alarm setting with the incorporated buzzer, Manual data recording with up to 100 measures, IP 65, Autonomy up to 48h, Equipped with a rechargeable battery. Charger included.Can be used in combination with large display AL128 and DMU for modular solutionsCan be used with Tractel App at the same time


Item Hand Held Display
Includes Dynafor HHD, Manual, Certificate Loadcel, Rechargeable battery and Charger.
Display Colour-LED display
Application Overhead weighing, Force measurement testing, Towing applications, Safety and lifting applications, Load balancing, Research and development projects, Load monitoring on lifting equipments


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