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Guardian Free-Standing Drench Shower & Eye Wash

Guardian Free-Standing Drench Shower & Eye Wash

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Two-in-one decontamination station provides easy access to drench shower and eyewash to minimize injuries from accidental exposure.

  • Combination safety shower and eyewash station can be installed in high-risk areas to provide onsite initial treatment
  • Chrome-plated brass valves with PTFE seals stay open until manually closed for complete decontamination
  • Drench shower features stainless steel actuating arm and pull rod to easily activate water flow during an emergency
  • Eye wash bowl with two spray heads delivers a flood of water for rinsing eyes; large push flag is easy to activate, even when vision is compromised
  • Spray heads include flip-top dust covers plus internal flow control and filter to remove impurities
  • Bright orange color (shower head, bowl and pipe covers) is highly visible so workers can quickly locate decon station
  • Assembled, inspected and water-tested before shipment to ensure quality and reliable performance at your facility
Style Pedestal Mount; Plumbed
Brand Guardian
Capacity Unlimited
Dispensing Method Plumbed
Flow Rate Eyewash – 1.6 gal./Minute, Shower - 20 gal./Minute
Sold as 1 each
Color Orange
Weight 41 lbs.
# per Pallet 8
Composition Shower Head, Eyewash Bowl: ABS Plastic
Shower and Eyewash Valves: Chrome Plated Brass
Actuating Arm, Pull Rod: Stainless Steel
Pipe and Fittings: Schedule 40 Galvanized Steel
Pipe Covers: Polyethylene
UNSPSC 46181810
Pigalog® Page Number Page 209


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