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Haws® Free-Standing Drench Shower & Eye Wash

Haws® Free-Standing Drench Shower & Eye Wash

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Combination shower and inverted stream eye wash lets you provide total decontamination without having to set up two stations.

  • Ideal for installation at high-risk areas to provide onsite initial treatment
  • Chrome-plated brass valves stay open until manually closed for complete decontamination
  • Innovative Axion MSR eye wash head design works more effectively with natural eye function than standard eye washes
  • Inverted streams contact eye at the inner corner and sweep contaminants toward the outside edge; helps stop contaminants from flowing into other eye or draining into nasal cavities
  • Nearly vertical streams reach zero velocity and softly puddle in midair before falling for a gentler, fuller flush
  • Face wash nozzles also use inverted streams to flush entire face as eyes are cleaned
  • Antimicrobially treated head prevents the growth of mold and mildew
  • Cap protects head from contaminants between uses and pops off when eye wash is activated
  • Large push flag and stainless steel pull rod ensure easy activation during an emergency
Style Pedestal Mount; Plumbed
Brand Haws
Capacity Unlimited
Dispensing Method Plumbed
Flow Rate Eyewash - 3.7 gal./Minute, Shower - 20 gal./Minute
Sold as 1 each
Color Green
Weight 46.66 lbs.
# per Pallet 20
Composition Bowl, Shower: ABS Plastic
Trap: Chrome Plated Brass
Flag, Shower Ball Valve, Pull Rod: Stainless Steel
Pipe: Cast Iron
UNSPSC 46181810
Pigalog® Page Number Page 210


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