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IWATA 5311 LPA200-102P Auto Spray Gun

IWATA 5311 LPA200-102P Auto Spray Gun

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ANEST IWATA automatic spray guns are available in various configurations to suit a wide range of applications and processes. Our compact size SGA100, small size WA100/LPA100 and the full size WA200/LPA200 allow end users to accommodate multiple applications. The WA100/200 and LPA100/200 series gunís fluid passages are made of stainless steel and are suitable for spraying waterborne and solvent borne materials consistently.

Our WRA100, WRA200 and LRA200 series guns are designed for remote fan control and fluid circulation for specific materials that rapidly settle and require continuous circulation.

ANEST IWATA automatic spray guns are suitable for mass production with automatic painting equipment, reciprocators or robotic painting

Fluid Fitting: 1/4"BSP for SGA100 / WA100 / LPA100 and 3/8"BSP for WA200/LPA200
Air Fitting: 1/4"BSP for all models except WRA/LRA models, which are without both fluid and air fittings


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