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Marshalltown 123RED704984 Asphalt Melter Capacity 10
Marshalltown 123RED704984 Asphalt Melter Capacity 10
Marshalltown 123RED704984 Asphalt Melter Capacity 10
Marshalltown 123RED704984 Asphalt Melter Capacity 10
Marshalltown 123RED704984 Asphalt Melter Capacity 10

Marshalltown 123RED704984 Asphalt Melter Capacity 10

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The MARSHALLTOWN Asphalt Melter comes complete with a hand agitator, temperature gauge, torch head, hose, regulator, propane bottle holder (only for 30-gallon option), hinge fill lid, lifting handles, and gravity pour spout. The 14 gauge double-wall steel construction with vent holes heats and provides hot material in minutes. It fits on the back of most trucks or can be trailer mounted. You have the option of 10 or 30-gallon sizes.
  • 14 gauge double-wall steel construction
  • Heats material in minutes
  • Propane bottle not include
  • Ships LTL


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