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Pressure-Pro AHR250-3 Titan S.S. Hose Reel with Hardware, 250′ x 3/8″ maximum

Pressure-Pro AHR250-3 Titan S.S. Hose Reel with Hardware, 250′ x 3/8″ maximum

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250 ft. Titan Hose Reel Assembly AHR250-3. Will hold up to 250 ft. of 3/8 pressure hose.  Sold with all mounting hardware for attachment to the aluminum hose reel support assembly (sold separately) Part # ASR100. for use with your Pro-Skid Series skids   

This assembly is not sold with the skid and is an accessory item only. 


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1000-2000bf2023LeadTime3weeksnogooglenomapnot canadapmax ad hose reelpmax ad hose reelspressure-proprisyncreelsROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled