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Titan 424-840 12" Line Width 1-Gun Glass Bead Kit w/ Hopper
Titan 424-840 12" Line Width 1-Gun Glass Bead Kit w/ Hopper
Titan 424-840 12" Line Width 1-Gun Glass Bead Kit w/ Hopper

Titan 424-840 12" Line Width 1-Gun Glass Bead Kit w/ Hopper

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Line striping professionals who stripe 12" lines need a bead dispenser that can handle the width. The Titan 12" glass bead dispenser kit is just for you. With this kit you can easily spread beads on lines up to 12" in width which are perect for crosswalk, stop lines and runway stripes.

With the purchase of this kit, you will receive the top load hopper, mounting bracket, hose, clamps and one gravity fed dispenser box. The hopper has a 50lb capacity which allows you to use a full bag of glass beads.

When the gun is actuated, the bead dispenser door opens simultaneously with the gun. A shower of beads the width of the dispenser is then deposited onto the wet paint line. The amount of beads dispensed is easily adjustable using only a screw driver (six pounds of beads per gallon is a good rule of thumb).

Installation is fairly straight foward (see the installation video below) and if you run into problems, you can always call the Titan tech support for help.

With this 1-Gun kit, you can attach it to the PowrLine 3500 or X9XX Series of line stripers (such as the 4955). If you need to add a second 12" dispenser box for dual spray gun striping, you need to add this product to your cart first then add either the 12" dispenser box or 4" - 6" dispenser box down below. It is totally possible to mix and match the 12" dispenser with a 4 - 6" dispenser and give yourself more versatility for each gun.

Perfect for 1-Gun line striping
Fits the PowrLiner 3500 or larger
Kit includes 12" dispenser drop box and hopper


  • Kits come complete with hopper, dispensers, hoses and all mounting hardware required for operation (tools not included)
  • Pre-drilled and tapped holes in frame make mounting the bead hopper very easy. Durable powder coated hopper and mounting brackets
  • Quick connect swivel fittings linkage provide ease of installation and removal when painting lines where beads are not needed
  • Flow of beads is controlled by adjusting the slide plate opening behind door. Dual plates allow electing 4 or 6 inch width


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