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TRINCO™ Model 20 BENCH with CDB Dust Collector (Size 20 x 18) (1587628408867)

TRINCO™ Model 20 BENCH with CDB Dust Collector (Size 20 x 18)

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20”W x 18”D x 18”H

This Trinco™ Bench Model is ideal for cleaning small parts.

It has all of the features of a full size cabinet, yet doesn’t require the space. The standard Trinco™ gun system is rated at 14 CFM, 60 PSI.
Another convenient option is a Trinco™ work stand that is 24” high and contains a swing-up shelf, and a slide-out tray for disposing of spent media.

The Trinco™ Bench Model can be purchased separately or with the work stand.

-Ruggedly built of 14 Gauge welded steel
-Carbon screen workfloor
-Heavyweight rubber gloves
-TRINCO™ easy change window frames
-TRINCO™ safety enclosed floor valve blasting control
-TRINCO™ tungsten carbide nozzle
-TRINCO™ hopper trap door for easy media change
-Large 19 ½” x 12” Safety glass window
-TRINCO™ CDB Dust Collector
-Electrical: 115 Volt, 1 Phase, 60 Cycle
-Incandescent lighting
-Air pressure regulator and gauge mounted at front of cabinet allows for easy adjustment of blast pressures
-Very popular model, great for home workshop, dental labs, jewelers, etc…


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1000-200014 CFM Exhaust20"(W) x 18"(H) x 18"(D)all other productsbf2023catchallshiprepriceROAS 3sandblast cabinetSandblastingSiphon Sandblasterspo-defaultspo-disabledtrinco