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Advance 56394693 SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and pad holders
Advance 56394693 SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and pad holders
Advance 56394693 SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and pad holders
Advance 56394693 SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and pad holders
Advance 56394693 SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and pad holders

Advance 56394693 SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ One 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery, onboard charger and pad holders

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The Advance SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ is a modern and efficient floor scrubber designed for commercial cleaning. Here’s an overview of its key features:

  1. Scrubbing Technology: The SC2000™ features a 20-inch disc scrubbing system, indicated by "20D." This disc-based mechanism is designed to deliver thorough and effective cleaning across various types of flooring by rotating scrubbing discs that help lift and remove dirt.

  2. EcoFlex™ System: The EcoFlex™ technology allows users to adjust the cleaning settings, including water and detergent usage. This system enhances efficiency and sustainability by enabling customization according to the specific cleaning requirements of the area, thus optimizing resource use.

  3. Battery Power: The scrubber is powered by a single 64 Ah Lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion batteries offer several advantages, including longer battery life, faster charging times, and reduced weight compared to traditional lead-acid batteries. This results in extended operating time and less downtime for charging.

  4. Onboard Charger: The SC2000™ includes an onboard charger, which simplifies the recharging process. You can recharge the battery directly within the machine, eliminating the need for separate charging stations and ensuring the scrubber is always ready for the next cleaning task.

  5. Pad Holders: The machine is equipped with pad holders that securely attach to the scrubbing pads. This feature ensures that the pads stay in place during operation, providing consistent cleaning performance and making it easier to replace pads as needed.

Overall, the Advance SC2000™ 20D EcoFlex™ is designed to offer effective, customizable, and efficient cleaning for commercial spaces. Its combination of a Lithium-ion battery, onboard charging, and EcoFlex™ technology makes it a versatile and eco-friendly choice for maintaining clean and polished floors.


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