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Baileigh Industrial - 110V Variable Speed Power Hammer, Reciprocating Type, Comes with Stand and Fully Guarded

Baileigh Industrial - 110V Variable Speed Power Hammer, Reciprocating Type, Comes with Stand and Fully Guarded

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  • Delivers enough force to shape 16 gauge mild steel.
  • 19" throat allows you get deep into panels and covers most metal shaping projects.
  • Adjustable speed from 0 to 1,700 to beats per minute.
  • You can control the speed either by foot pedal or the control box on the side of the machine.
  • Plug it into any 110-volt power outlet.
  • Quick-release tooling handle lets you start in the middle of a panel while keeping the pressure constant.
  • Tooling changes take just a few seconds and don’t require any hand tools.
  • Comes standard with a mini thumbnail shrinker die set.
  • Wide variety of tooling available for shrinking, stretching, planishing, and drastic metal shaping.
  • Heavy ½” plate steel frame and rigid steel stand enable this power hammer to hit with full force and prevent deflection.
  • Small footprint saves space in smaller shops.
  • Wheels on the base make it easy to move out of the way


  • Item Number: PH-19-VS
  • Country of Manufacture: United States
  • Speed: 0 - 1700 beats / minute
  • Tooling Height Adjustment: 5"
  • Throat Depth: 19"
  • Capacity (Mild Steel): 16 ga.
  • Aluminum Capacity: 12 ga.
  • Power: 110V


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