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Dynafor Pro Wireless Load Indicator Dynamometer Sensor, 100T 200000 lb, 0.2% Accuracy
Dynafor Pro Wireless Load Indicator Dynamometer Sensor, 100T 200000 lb, 0.2% Accuracy
Dynafor Pro Wireless Load Indicator Dynamometer Sensor, 100T 200000 lb, 0.2% Accuracy
Dynafor Pro Wireless Load Indicator Dynamometer Sensor, 100T 200000 lb, 0.2% Accuracy

Dynafor Pro Wireless Load Indicator Dynamometer Sensor, 100T 200000 lb, 0.2% Accuracy

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The Dynafor Pro has a capacity of, designed and manufactured by Tractel, is a versatile and robust wireless digital dynamometer, used in various weighing and force measurement applications.Based on the principle of strain gauge extension measurement, the sensor generates an electrical signal which is processed and analyzed by a built-in microprocessor, which transmits the information to a wireless accessory.Various applications: Overhead weighing, Force measurement testing, Water bag load testing, Towing applications, Safety and lifting applications, Heavylift projects, Research and development projects, Load monitoring on lifting equipment.Features: Load indicator dynamometer sensor, Capacity 100T 200000 lb., Accuracy: +/- 0.2%, Sensor protection: IP 64 IP67 as an option, radio 2.4 GHz RF and Bluetooth BLE chipsets with a wireless range of 1,300 ft. 400m to Tractel Dynafor HHD, large displays AL128 and software accessories, or 100 ft. 30m to any smart device equipped with our free Dynafor App on iOS or Android. Compatible with standard bow shackles, the Dynafor Pro ensures a perfect implementation in your applications.


Item Wireless Load Indicator
Accuracy (In/mm) (+/-) 0.2%
Includes Dynafor Pro 100T, Manual, Certificate Loadcell and Battery (3 x AA)
Application Overhead weighing, Force measurement testing, Water bag load testing, Towing applications, Safety and lifting applications, Heavylift projects, Research and development projects, Load monitoring on lifting equipment
Load Capacity 200,000 lb


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