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WIWA 410.09 9:1 1044 PSI @ 100 CFM Mortar Pump w/ Complete System

WIWA 410.09 9:1 1044 PSI @ 100 CFM Mortar Pump w/ Complete System

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The WIWA series 410.09 is perfectly suitable for the application of epoxy and water based thick-film materials and mortars, such as cement mortar, cement bound fire protection materials, cement slurry and filled vinyl esters. In contrast to screw pumps, WIWA thick-film pumps can be flushed and cleaned with diluting agents. The pump is therefore also first choice when it comes to the transfer of epoxy based materials. Due to the use of quick release couplings the material pumps, which consist of only a few parts, can be quickly disassembled, cleaned and reassembled, which is highly beneficial with short processing times, which are quite common today. The feed funnel can also be simply removed. With this quick maintenance the downtimes, especially in construction site applications, can be reduced considerably. These large capacity pumps are designed with extra large flow passages, and due to the slow pumping speed only suffer very low wear, even when transferring high amounts of material.

Fields of application: Decks on ships and ferries, Concrete and building sanitation, Sealing of cellars (basements), Fire protection

The basic equipment consists of: Pump with carriage, Quick release couplings, 25 l (6.5 Gal) funnel with cover The accessory kit consists of: 10.5 m (35‘)hose package in a protective hose, Spray pipe with air atomizer, 8.5 mm (5/16“) nozzle (other nozzle sizes on request)

Series 410.09
Pressure Ratio 9:1
Max. Fluid Pressure 1044 PSI
Output per cycles 410 cm3
Output at 60 Cycles 6.5 gal
Air Motor Plate Diameter 5.5 in.
Stroke Length 120 mm (4.7 in.)
Max. Inbound Air Pressure 116 PSI
Min. Recommended Air Compressor Rating 100 CFM
Inbound Air Port (BSPP)  1/2“
Inbound Fluid Fitting (BSPP) 2“
Outbound Fluid Port (BSPP) 1“
Accessory kit 0653594
Includes Complete System (Pump, Hopper, 35’ Hose Package, Straight Shot Nozzle, Tip)


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