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Graco ChemSafe™ 205 - 2.5 GPM - Air Operated Double Diaph. Plastic Pump w/UHMWPE Seat, PTFE Ball, Overmolded Buna-N Diaph., & UHMWPE Fluid Path

Graco ChemSafe™ 205 - 2.5 GPM - Air Operated Double Diaph. Plastic Pump w/UHMWPE Seat, PTFE Ball, Overmolded Buna-N Diaph., & UHMWPE Fluid Path

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Product Description

Graco's ChemSafe pumps feature PTFE or UHMWPE (ultra high molecular weight polyethylene) corrosion-resistant fluid paths, which make them ideal for corrosive and abrasive chemicals. There's no exposed metals and they can be configured in various materials to meet most abrasion, temperature, and chemical compatibility requirements. Plus they're dead-head capable and achieve high flow rates while minimizing air consumption and operational noise.

  • Max flow rate of 3.6 gpm (14 lpm)

  • High quality machined design provides a precision fit and superior chemical containment compared to molded pumps

  • Corrosion-resistant exterior with no exposed metal reduces maintenance, extends pump life and offers clean, safe operation

  • Removable air motor offers easy and intuitive maintenance ensuring maximum pump performance and availability

  • Ideal for corrosive and abrasive liquids such as acids, fuels, glues, paints, resins, inks, or wastewater


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1/4 in.100 PSI1000-20002-5-gpm375 CPMAir OperatedAir Poweredbf2023BOnoETABuna-N Diaphdiaphragmpumpgraconomapnot canadaPlastic Bodypmax ad diaphragm pumpsprisyncPTFE BallsROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledUHMWPE Seats