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Wilton — 110, 100 Series Forged C-Clamp - Heavy-Duty 6 - 10” Opening Capacity

Wilton — 110, 100 Series Forged C-Clamp - Heavy-Duty 6 - 10” Opening Capacity

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100 Series Forged C-Clamp - Heavy-Duty 4-7/8 - 9-5/8” Opening Capacity

Wilton® Brute Force™ 100 Series C-Clamps are ideal for heavy construction with a drop forged frame, black oxide coating, and clamping force ranging up to 15,000 lbs. Spindles are full length, machined from a single piece of square, cold drawn steel tempered and hardened. Square spindle heads stand up to heavy wrench tightening.

  • 100 Series model frames are forged of superior quality steels
  • Forged square head spindle with rolled thread. Black oxide coating for added strength
  • Perma-Pads® are standard and are also black-oxide coated
  • Recommended for heavy industrial and construction job site demands, the heavy-duty models are some of the toughest products available for their weight to strength ratio


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