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45° Lip Pans

45° Lip Pans

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MARSHALLTOWN Safety Clip 45° Lip Power Trowel Pans are great for finishing large concrete surfaces faster and easier with flatter, more professional-looking results. The edges of the pans are beveled to prevent them from digging into the concrete while their safety clip design helps keep the pans secure to your Power Trowel as it's being lifted or moved. The pans are crafted from durable 10-gauge steel with a ⅛” (3 mm) rise from the center to the edge of the pan. Choose your preferred pan size, inside and outside diameter, and the number of blades you need to fit your machine. These pans are also available painted or unpainted. These Power Trowel Pans are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Finish large areas of concrete faster and easier with flatter results
  • Pans are made from durable, beveled 10-gauge steel
  • 45° Lip Pan
  • Select preferred pan size, inside/outside diameter, and number of blades
  • Available with or without a rust-prevention powder coating
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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