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Allegro- Manhole Accessories (1587744997411)
Allegro- Manhole Accessories (1587744997411)

Allegro - Manhole Accessories

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Guard rail: Strong 1" tubular .078 gauge stee lconstruction is powder-coated in safety yellow for durable finish and high visibility. Rail locks open and (2) hooking chains provide protected entry and exit. For safety, rail accommodates signs, flags or lights, and for convenience, can be used with a guard rail tent, umbrellas or winch. Protects an area of 33" x 33" for added safety. The 42" high guard rail collapses to only 44" square x 4" for easy storage. Single-piece construction assembles easily without tools. Weighs 34 lbs. Made in USA.*

• Lid Lifter features long all-steel handle that provides necessary leverage to lift the heaviest lids. For safe storage, alloy-steel hook recesses and locks into pole. Rubber grips on handle and foot prevent slips. Cadmium plating fights rust.


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