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Beveled Cast Magnesium Hand Floats (6/Pack)
Beveled Cast Magnesium Hand Floats (6/Pack)
Beveled Cast Magnesium Hand Floats (6/Pack)

Beveled Cast Magnesium Hand Floats (6/Pack)

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MARSHALLTOWN Beveled Cast Magnesium Hand Floats come with a “broken-in” blade shape that prevents gouging when preparing concrete surfaces for troweling. The 16” x 3 ½” blade comes with your choice of handle material and style. Choose between three distinct handle styles and two handle materials. All handle options offer extra knuckle clearance and are perfectly balanced along the blade. These concrete Hand Floats are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Beveled edges prepares concrete surface for troweling without gouging concrete
  • Cast magnesium construction allows for more knuckle clearance
  • Blade size: 16” x 3 ½”
  • Handle materials: smooth hardwood or soft grip DuraSoft® that provides comfort
  • Handle styles: standard or large round


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