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Clear Guard® Cure & Seal

Clear Guard® Cure & Seal

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Coming in a 1 or 5-gallon container, MARSHALLTOWN's Clear Guard™ Cure and Seal is solvent-based, non-yellowing, architectural grade, Methyl Methacrylate Acrylic copolymer. It's formulated for curing and sealing any concrete, more specifically designed for concrete that's colored with UIni-Mix® or Perma-Cast® coloring systems. The best way to apply the product can be with solvent resistant short nap rollers, handheld pump sprayers, or airless sprayers. Clear Guard™ Cure and Seals 5-gallon container covers approximately 1,000 square feet of sealing. This product is Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Covers approximately 1,000 square feet of sealing
  • Comes in a 1 or 5-gallon container
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials
  • This item has a 15 day lead-time before shipping


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