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Coke Trowels (6/Pack)
Coke Trowels (6/Pack)

Coke Trowels (6/Pack)

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The MARSHALLTOWN Coke Trowel, or Duck Bill Trowel, is designed with a narrow taper and round tip to help you maneuver awkward spaces, including tight corners and curves. Our durable blade is forged from a single piece of tempered high carbon steel and polished to perfection. Choose between 9 ½” x 3 ¾” or 10” x 2” blade to fit your preference. Both options come with a smooth hardwood handle and metal ferrule to prevent the handle from splitting or wearing. This product is Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • Essential for finishing tight corners and awkward curves
  • Made from high carbon steel
  • Pick your ideal blade: 9 ½” x 3 ¾” or 10” x 2”
  • Traditional hardwood handle strengthened with metal ferrule
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials


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