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Cornerbead Tools (3/Pack)
Cornerbead Tools (3/Pack)
Cornerbead Tools (3/Pack)
Cornerbead Tools (3/Pack)
Cornerbead Tools (3/Pack)

Cornerbead Tools (3/Pack)

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The WAL-BOARD Cornerbead Tool helps center the cornerbead for mud distribution without the need for nails or staples. One hit from a rubber mallet will crimp the cornerbead tightly and accurately in place. You have the option of the Cornerbead Tool only, the Cornerbead Tool with the 1lb rubber mallet, or the QLT 2lb or WAL-Board 1lb rubber mallet only.
  • Helps center the cornerbead for mud distribution
  • Crimps the cornerbead tightly and accurately in place
  • WARNING: Always wear safety goggles when using this tool


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