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DeVilbiss Booth Floor Coat (5 Gal) (1587228835875)

DeVilbiss Booth Floor Coat (5 Gal)

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Fast and easy once-a-day application using a pump sprayer


  • Reduces airborne particles in the spray booth by over 50% and traps them on the floor
  • Significantly reduces buffing time caused by dirt in the paint job
  • Ideal for shops spraying waterborne as increased air movement and low humidity are required
  • Fast and easy once-a-day application using a pump sprayer
  • Simply sweep up the dirt and overspray with a broom
  • One 5-gallon bucket allows for approximately 20 applications
  • Neutralizes particle’s electrical charge, allowing them to stick together
  • Traps particles on the floor, not on the vehicle
  • Water-based, low VOC


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