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Devilbiss HAF 505 Air Regulator and Coalescer
Devilbiss HAF 505 Air Regulator and Coalescer

Devilbiss HAF 505 Air Regulator and Coalescer

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Removes contaminant down to 0.01 micron including oil, water, and dirt.  Doesn’t remove water vapor.

PART NO. HAF-502 HAF-503 HAF-505 Coalescing Filter
Filtering Capacity (micron) 5 5 .01
Flow Rate (CFM) 100 @ 90 psi 150 @ 90 psi 55 @ 90 psi
Max. Inlet Pressure 150 psi / 10.3 bar 150 psi / 10.3 bar 150 psi / 10.3 bar
Max. Operating Temp. 150°F / 65.6°C 150°F / 65.6°C 150°F / 65.6°C
Inlet Port Size 1/2" NPT (F) 3/4" NPT (F) 1/2" NPT (F)
Outlet Port Size 1/2" NPT (F) 3/4" NPT (F) 1/2" NPT (F)
Bowl Capacity 17 oz. 34 oz. 17 oz.
Shipping Wgt. 1lb. 7 oz. 3 lbs. 1 oz. 1 lb. 8 oz.
Auto Drain Std. Std. Std.
Replacement Filter HAF-6 HAF-15 HAF-28
Service Bulletin SB-6-146 SB-6-148 SB-6-152

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