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DiamondSure® Drill Bits (6/Pack)
DiamondSure® Drill Bits (6/Pack)
DiamondSure® Drill Bits (6/Pack)

DiamondSure® Drill Bits (6/Pack)

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The BARWALT® DiamondSure® bonded diamond core Drill Bits cut through materials where other bits fail. They are designed to drill in the hardest surfaces or the most delicate and fragile surfaces. DiamondSure® bits can be used in any standard variable speed drill. They are electroplated, bonded, and designed for drilling to depths of about 1/2" (13 mm) in a wide variety of materials. Choose size and shaft size. PLEASE NOTE: These are for wet use only and are not designed for use on concrete, masonry, metal, or for use with impact hammer drills.
  • Bonded diamond core
  • Designed to drill to depths of 1/2" (13 mm) in a wide variety materials like ceramic tile, porcelain tile, glass block, slate, marble, quartz, granite, limestone, and more.
  • Used in any standard variable speed drill
  • 4-pack available - 1/4", 3/8", 5/16" and 1/2" bits (BWT70490)
  • For wet use only
  • NOT designed for concrete, masonry, metal, or with an impact hammer drill


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