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Fuji Spray Fuji T75G Gravity Spray Gun - Blue 1.3mm

Fuji Spray Fuji T75G Gravity Spray Gun - Blue 1.3mm

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#5175G T75G™ Gravity Spray Gun w/ Nylon Gravity Cup

  • 1.3mm air cap set installed.
  • Rear rotating nipple for pressure tubes – makes for easier adjustment especially for those who are left-handed.
  • Stay-cool nylon handle (fitted over a metal tube)
  • Metal fluid knob and collar
  • Less blowing around of shop dust and negligible turbulence in the spray area.

Now installed with a 600cc nylon gravity cup and lid. The lid on this nylon cup provides a perfect seal with no gasket required. This non-bleed HVLP T-Model™ spray gun features the following in addition to the key features listed above:

  • Center-mounted 600cc nylon gravity cup
  • 3 Additional gravity cups are available

The Fuji T-Model™ with all these exceptional components is a leader in the market.  You will achieve that flawless performance & remarkable outcome every time you use it.


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