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Karcher 1.012-900.0 Ranger Upright Commercial Vacuum

Karcher 1.012-900.0 Ranger Upright Commercial Vacuum

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The Kärcher Ranger upright vacuum cleaner provides professional-grade features with reliable performance and durability. For hotels seeking a sustainable vacuum to keep lobbies, entry areas, hallways, and guest rooms clean, the Ranger is a great, economical solution. It features a proven, energy efficient impeller-style vacuum system. The yellow foot pedal enables the operator to clean under beds and furniture by running the vacuum flat-to-floor. A dial on the base of the machine allows for manual height adjustment, making it easy to transition between carpet and hard floor surfaces. Other features include a long-life belt, a clean-out door under the vacuum head, and a quick-change power cord. Additionally, a safety mechanism prevents damage to the vacuum if debris gets caught in the brush. When providing a pleasant guest journey is important, consider the Kärcher Ranger upright vacuum cleaner – the best commercial entry level vacuum in the market. CRI Certified.



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