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Marshalltown Orchard Stone (Green) Flex

Marshalltown Orchard Stone (Green) Flex

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The MARSHALLTOWN Orchard Stone stamp has a random cut design with large stones to give your concrete a professional look. It comes in a 46" x 50" stamp with ¼"-½" deep grout lines. Choose to have a blue, green, or black with your choice of a standard or flex material. MARSHALLTOWN Orchard Stone stamps will replicate natural Bluestone and are Made in the USA with Global Materials.
  • 46" x 50" stamp size
  • ¼"-½" deep grout lines
  • Comes in blue, green, or black color
  • Pick standard or flex material
  • Made in the USA with Global Materials
  • This item has a 15 day lead-time before shipping


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