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Mi-T-M CX-0005 Insulated Dual Lance

Mi-T-M CX-0005 Insulated Dual Lance

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48-in. insulated dual lance - Has high and low pressure tips that allow you to switch to the low pressure detergent injector without having to change tips.


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200-500all other productsbf2023JCW-2703-0MHBLeadTime3weeksmi-t-mMi-t-m CA-2403-1MMHMi-t-m CA-2703-1MMHMi-t-m CA-2703-1MMKMi-t-m CA-3003-1MAHMi-t-m CA-3003-1MAKMi-t-m CW-2405-4ME1Mi-t-m CW-2405-4ME3Mi-t-m CW-2505-4MGHMi-t-m CW-3004-4ME1Mi-t-m CW-3004-4ME3Mi-t-m CW-3004-4MGHMi-t-m CW-3005-0ME1Mi-t-m CW-3005-0ME3Mi-t-m JCW-2403-0MHBMi-t-m JCW-3003-2MHBMi-t-m JP-1002-2ME1Mi-t-m JP-1002-3ME1Mi-t-m JP-1502-3ME1Mi-t-m JP-2003-3ME1Mi-t-m JP-2403-3MHBMi-t-m JP-2503-0ME3Mi-t-m JP-2503-1ME1Mi-t-m JP-2703-3MHBMi-t-m JP-3003-3MHBMi-t-m JP-3004-0ME3Mi-t-m JP-3004-1ME1nomapprisync8824ROAS 3spo-defaultspo-disabled