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Powermatic - Canister Kit with Clear Collection Bags

Powermatic - Canister Kit with Clear Collection Bags

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Filters up to 86% of 1-micron particles, and 98% of 2-micron particles. Always trust genuine JET parts for your JET Tools. They are guaranteed to fit and work perfectly in your equipment.


  • Pleated interior has over 6Xmore fitting area than standard bags
  • Rotating handle moves flexible interior plate to dislodge dust
  • Includes 5 clear collection bags
  • Comes standard with five clear collection bags and a snap ring


The Woodturning Store is proud to be an authorized Powermatic dealer. Powermatic is an iconic brand of woodworking machinery, getting its start in 1921 in McMinnville, Tennessee and today is a part of JPW Industries, a world leader in tools and machinery for hobbyists, schools and industry. We are a full line dealer for Powermatic, Jet Tools and Wiltons brands and can offer every single product in their lines. Contact us with any questions you may have. We are always happy to help you making the best selection for your needs.


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