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Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″
Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″
Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″
Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″
Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″
Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″

Trimaco Dirt Trapper® Ultra Sticky Mat - 26″ x 32″

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Trimaco’s Dirt Trapper™ Ultra Sticky Mat is the perfect solution to reduce tracking on the job. When placed inside jobsite or work area entrances, the adhesive mat traps and removes dirt, dust and contaminants from shoes, boots, hand trucks and carts, leaving the mess behind you. Literally.

Our starter kit contains a 26″ x 32″ non-skid frame and includes a 30 layer 24″ x 30″ mat. To use, simply leave at a job site entrance, step on the tacky mat and continue inside. After work or whenever the mat becomes dull, simply peel the dirty layer off to reveal a new, clean sheet underneath for the next use.

The durable non-skid frame will hold up to the toughest use and can be refilled with additional sticky sheets, which are available in 30 sheet counts. 4 packs do not need a frame, and can be used as is. Check out some of our other unique surface protection products such as our door frame protector products and corner guards.

  • Reduces job site tracking from shoes and wheels
  • Protects floors from dirt, dust and contaminants
  • Great for all entryways
  • Non-Skid 30 Layer Mat & Satndard


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