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Trimaco Red Rosin Flooring Paper (for East Coast Customers - SC, Manning or Chicago IL) - 36″ x 166′ (16 Rolls / Box)
Trimaco Red Rosin Flooring Paper (for East Coast Customers - SC, Manning or Chicago IL) - 36″ x 166′ (16 Rolls / Box)
Trimaco Red Rosin Flooring Paper (for East Coast Customers - SC, Manning or Chicago IL) - 36″ x 166′ (16 Rolls / Box)

Trimaco Red Rosin Flooring Paper (for East Coast Customers - SC, Manning or Chicago IL) - 36″ x 166′ (16 Rolls / Box)

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Trimaco’s brown and red rosin flooring paper is a traditional protective covering and moisture barrier. Commonly used for flooring and roofing projects, this surface protector is made from 100% recycled paper and is biodegradable.

The economical rolls are easy to handle and are available in various weights and sizes. Trimaco’s heavyweight red rosin paper is a suitable protective barrier for hardwood floors. The medium weight paper can be used for underlayment in landscaping and plastering.

  • Temporary floor covering paper
  • Ideal for flooring projects
  • Provides protection from paint overspray
  • Made in the USA

Learn more about all of Trimaco’s flooring paper from traditional builder’s paper to white top construction paper.

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