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Airlessco LP655 3300 PSI @ 0.60 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - LoBoy
Airlessco LP655 3300 PSI @ 0.60 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - LoBoy

Airlessco LP655 3300 PSI @ 0.60 GPM Electric Airless Paint Sprayer - LoBoy

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MP Series sprayers feature tough, compact, well-balanced frames, protecting the pump and making it easy to transport. The pump is the core of any airless sprayer, and these are built with Airlessco's new Pro-Duty Quick Repair Pump with externally adjustable packings that keeps you spraying. With its fan-cooled DC motor, you get reliable performance every day, backed by our 2-Year Advantage Protection warranty with one-time picton and packing allowance plus lifetime coverage for the pump body, gearbox, and electric motor. The MP455 is available in stand and hiboy models.
Medium to large residential projects
Water and oil-based coatings, 100% acrylics, stains, sealers, varnishes, and lacquers
Up to 1,500 gallons per year

  • Industrial quality high torque DC motor
  • Pro-Duty pump with chrome piston rod and lifetime pump body
  • Exclusive externally adjustable packings
  • Reliable pressure control for smooth spraying
1/4 in x 50 ft (6.4 mm x 15 m) hose, 4-finger trigger ProLight 500 gun, 2-finger trigger conversion kit and 517 Rev-Tip


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.025.60 GPM1 Gun2000-3500300 ft.3300 PSI50 ft. Hoseall other productsaodd discountbf2023BOnoETAcanadaElectricgracoLo-Boylowmarginmap priced itemOil Basedpaintsprayerpmax ad electric airlesspmax ad electric airless paint sprayersROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabledWater Based