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Back-geared radial piston agitator, in-drum, heavy duty, 5.08 cm (2 inch) bung mount

Back-geared radial piston agitator, in-drum, heavy duty, 5.08 cm (2 inch) bung mount

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Speed up savings when agitating high viscosity material. The radial piston air motor that powers this back-geared agitator uses up to 85 percent less compressed air than a comparable rotary vane motor.

For agitating 500 cP to 3000 cP viscosity materials

  • Installs quickly for immediate cost savings
  • Needs no air line lubrication needed to keep running well
  • Operates more quietly than comparable rotary vane agitator air motors
  • Connect with Graco’s Intelligent Paint Kitchen (IPK) to monitor and the control agitator speed.
UPC Product: 00769946188622
Family Code: FAMQFP
Unit of Measure: EA
Height: 9.25 IN   |  23.495 CM
Length: 13.8 IN   |  35.052 CM
Width: 14.25 IN   |  36.195 CM
Volume: 1.053 FT3   |  .03 M3
Chargeable Weight: 24.8 LBS  | 11.25 KG

Technical Specifications

Air Inlet Size (cm) 0.635
Air Inlet Size (in) 1/4
Air Inlet Size (mm) 6.35
Air Inlet Thread Type NPT
For Use With 55 加仑(208 升)料桶, 55 Gallon (208 Liter) Drum, 208 litre (55 gallon) drum, Fût de 208 litres (55 gallons), Bidón de 55 galones (208 litros), Fass mit 208 Litern (55 Gallonen), 55 gallon (208 liter) vat
Maximum Air Inlet Pressure (bar) 5
Maximum Air Inlet Pressure (kPa) 500
Maximum Air Inlet Pressure (psi) 70
Maximum Speed (RPM) 83
Maximum Viscosity (cP) 3000
Maximum Working Pressure (bar) 5
Maximum Working Pressure (kPa) 500
Maximum Working Pressure (psi) 70
Motor Type Pneumatic - Radial Piston
Power Rating (HP) 0.16
Weight (kg) 14.1
Weight (lb) 31.1
Wetted Material Stainless Steel, Acetal, AF, Nylon, PTFE
Type Agitator


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