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Cyclone 4040 Sandblast Cabinet
Cyclone 4040 Sandblast Cabinet

Cyclone 4040 Sandblast Cabinet

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A perfect blast cabinet for rims and similar sized items.

Front View - Closed

Bead Blaster Detail

Our units stand out among cabinet sandblasters because of their high-quality construction. Welded 16 gauge welded steel, sealed to perfection. This unit is one of our most popular sizes. Our blast systems have a solid frame and include a one-year warranty against manufacturing defects. The 4040 blast systems include a foot pedal to control the flow of sandblasting abrasives to the blasting nozzle.

Detailed Specifications

Overall Dimensions 66" (h) x 43" (w) x 62" (d)
Working Dimensions 30" (h) x 39" (w) x 40" (d)
Window 25" x 10"
Construction Welded 16 gauge steel
Blast System 14 CFM @ 70-90 PSI
Blaster Operation Foot operated
Electrical 110 Volts
Dust Collector DC1500, 90 CFM
Side Door 18" x 28"
Weight 345 lbs. (common carrier)

Side Door Schematic

More about this unit:

Model 4040 ships with a standard side door. This large sandblasting cabinet provides ample room inside, yet is designed to maximize floorspace. Work pieces can easily be lifted and placed inside the cabinet because of the top opening lid. The side door can be used to move the work piece(s) as needed, or can be used to insert and remove parts.

If you are searching for an economical sandblasting system, look no more. Our units are budget friendly yet deliver big on quality and power. Additional features of this unit are the oversize access ports. The rubber blast cabinet gloves protect the user's hands and are long enough and flexible so that the entire work area inside the machine is accessible without lifting the lid. Finally, this model features a food pedal blast system giving the user freedom in the cabinet to control the blast stream.


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2000-350030 inches300 CFM Exhaust39 inches39″(W) x 30″(H) x 40″(D)40 inches90 CFM ExhaustAbrasive Mediabf2023Blasting GarnetcatchallshipcycloneDC-1500Glass Beadsnogooglenomappmax ad sandblast cabinetprisyncROAS 6.6sandblast cabinetSandblastingSilicon CarbideSiphon Sandblasterspo-defaultspo-disabledSuctionWhite or Brown Aluminum Oxide