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Graco 10 Gallon (38 L) Heavy Duty Pressure Tank Agitator, air driven, 1/2 HP, 15 inches (38 cm) in length, gear reduced

Graco 10 Gallon (38 L) Heavy Duty Pressure Tank Agitator, air driven, 1/2 HP, 15 inches (38 cm) in length, gear reduced

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Waterborne compatible
  • 20:1 gear reduction to mix high viscosity materials, even at low speeds
  • Sealed agitator shaft to prevent air leakage and contamination
  • Built-in baffle and support for efficient mixing
  • Compatible with Graco pressure tanks


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2000-3500all other productsbf2023canadagracoLeadTime5weeksnomapnot canadapaintsprayerpmax ad agitatorsPneumatic - Rotary VaneprisyncROAS 4spo-defaultspo-disabled