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Acoustical Ceiling Coating Outfit with Rolair Compressor

Acoustical Ceiling Coating Outfit with Rolair Compressor

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This outfit is specifically designed for applying acoustical ceiling coatings.

The outfit includes a 9.8 gallon stainless steel pressure pot with two regulators

 183G-520 - Binks 5 Gallon Pressure Tank Galvanized, 2 Regulators

A Binks 2100 Spray Gun 68 SS x 68 PB setup

 Binks Model 2100 Conventional Spray Gun

75 feet of fluid and air hose

 Binks 6-438 25 foot Set of Air and Fluid Hose

An air adjusting valve with gauge to control air pressure at the spray gun.


Quantity of  1- 18.8 CFM electric air compressor with 9 gallon tank to provide sufficient air for 2100 spray gun


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