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Baileigh Industrial - 110 Volt Metal Cutting Band Saw Mitering Head 3/4" Blade Width
Baileigh Industrial - 110 Volt Metal Cutting Band Saw Mitering Head 3/4" Blade Width
Baileigh Industrial - 110 Volt Metal Cutting Band Saw Mitering Head 3/4" Blade Width

Baileigh Industrial - 110 Volt Metal Cutting Band Saw Mitering Head 3/4" Blade Width

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    Baileigh Industrial 1001309 Description

    With a good mix of features at an economical price, this horizontal metal bandsaw is ideal for small-to-medium machine shops or even garage or home shops. You can control the descent of the BS-210M horizontal band saw in 2 ways: manually (with a trigger switch) or with a hydraulic descent features—usually seen only on more expensive models.

    Baileigh Industrial 1001309 Includes

    • (1) Band Saw

    Baileigh Industrial 1001309 Features

    • With a good mix of features at an economical price, this horizontal metal bandsaw is ideal for small-to-medium machine shops or even garage or home shops.
    • 1 hp motor requires only 110 volts to run, so you can use it anywhere.
    • 6.692” round maximum capacity at 90°.
    • Swivel head miters up to 60° and doesn’t compromise the holding power of the vise.
    • Cast iron saw head and bow reduce vibrations and help to produce clean, accurate cuts.
    • Accepts standard .75" blades.
    • You can adjust the infinitely variable blade speed from 66 to 280 fpm, controlled by an inverter, to produce quality cuts and prolong blade life.
    • Adjustable blade guides, attached to sealed ball bearings, get as close to the material as possible to keep alignment straight and prolong blade life.
    • Control the hydraulic descent pressure and choose the right speed to make a perfect cut for a given application.
    • No need to monitor the machine! You can walk away; the blade will automatically stop once it’s done cutting the metal.
    • Fully-welded steel plate frame stabilizes the machine and gives it the structural strength to cut at maximum capacity without straining.
    • Baileigh covers this metal band saw with a 1-year parts warranty.

    Baileigh Industrial 1001309 Specifications

    Dimensions 60" x 44" x 40"
    Horsepower 1 HP
    Return Manual
    Miter Adjustment Swivel Head
    Miter Angle 0 – 60°
    Motor High Torque .75Kw (AC)
    Capacity Rectangular 8.26" x 6.69"
    Capacity Round 90°/ 45° / 60° 6.692" / 4.724" / 2.755"
    Capacity Square 90°/ 45° / 60° 6.692" / 4.375" / 2.44"
    Table Height 35.1"


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