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Grizzly G7214Z - 7-1/2 HP 3-Phase Spindle Shaper

Grizzly G7214Z - 7-1/2 HP 3-Phase Spindle Shaper

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G7214Z 7-1/2 HP 3-Phase Spindle Shaper

Turn big shaper cutters with confidence.

The G7214Z 7-1/2 HP 3-Phase Spindle Shaper was designed to handle cutters up to 5-7/8" diameter by 5-1/8" tall.

Three interchangeable spindles of 3/4", 1", and 1-1/4" can be swapped out with the included wrenches.

The four spindle speeds let you slow down those big cutters from 10,000 RPM to 3600 RPM.

The independently adjustable split fence allows you dial in for full edge cutting support.

Spring-steel hold downs hold the workpiece flat on the table and increase safety and production.

The spindle enclosure guard protects from exposure to the cutter and chips thrown by it. It is adjustable to enclose as much of the spindle area as possible.

Make this professional spindle shaper a producer in your shop!

Like all Grizzly shapers, the G7214Z comes with a 1-year warranty which covers parts and assures the unit is free from factory defects. (Consumables are not covered by the warranty.)

The G7214Z manual was written by our U.S. based Technical Documentation Department and is packed with useful information.

The complete and easy-to-read manual makes it easier to assemble and maintain your shaper.

The Grizzly Customer Service and Technical Support Teams are U.S. based.

Parts for the shaper may be available online and shipped from the Grizzly parts warehouse in Springfield, MO.


  • Motor: 7-1/2 HP, 220V/440V* (prewired 220V), 3-phase, 20A/10A
  • Maximum cutter height: 5-1/8"
  • Maximum cutter diameter: 5-7/8"
  • Spindle diameters: 3/4", 1", 1-1/4"
  • Spindle lengths: 6"–7"
  • Spindle capacity under nut: 4-1/4", 4-5/8", 5-1/8"
  • Spindle speeds: 3600, 5100, 8000, 10,000 RPM
  • Spindle travel: 3-1/4"
  • Spindle insert sizes I.D.: 2", 3", 3-1/2"
  • Spindle insert sizes O.D.: 3", 3-1/2", 7"
  • Table counterbore: 7" dia. x 5/8" deep
  • Table size: 28" x 35-1/2"
  • Floor-to-table height: 34-3/4"
  • Footprint: 26" x 27"
  • Overall dimensions: 34-3/4" W x 35-1/2" D x 43" H
  • Approximate shipping weight: 613 lbs.


  • Precision-ground cast-iron table
  • Cast-iron miter gauge adjusts 60° left/right
  • Two wood fence faces
  • Fence adjustment includes built-In ratchets and knob-equipped adjusters
  • Includes three spindles with spacers and nuts
  • Spindle height scale in inches and millimeters
  • Four spring-steel hold-down assemblies
  • Three table inserts: 7" OD x 3-1/2" ID, 3-1/2" OD x 3" ID, and 3" OD x 2" ID
  • Assorted wrenches included

*This machine is prewired for 220V. We can rewire to 440V in a few days’ time for a fee of $385. Please contact Grizzly Technical Support at (570) 546-9663 before placing your order.


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